Nail Harmony: The Art of Mixing and Matching ShadedbyShanell

Nail Harmony: The Art of Mixing and Matching

Let's explore the art of mixing and matching different press-on nail styles, unlocking a realm of unlimited possibilities for a uniquely curated look taillored for your individual style. We’ll also provide two strategies for mixing and matching press-on nail styles and coordinating with accessories and handbags. Whether you embrace the power of contrast, pairing bold and intricate press-on designs with minimalist styles, or opt for color cohesion, ensuring a harmonious blend between your nails and attire, this chapter will unveil the palette of possibilities for your style.



Explore the fun of expressing yourself as we show you two easy ways to mix and match your press-on nail styles:

  • Contrast Elegance: Discover the impact of mixing things up! Try bold and detailed press-on designs accentuated with rhinestones and|or reflective glitter with simple outfits. Your nails can stand out, becoming a stylish focus against a “basic”, single-color outfit.
  • Color Cohesion: As mentioned before, coordinate press-on nails with your outfit by selecting shades that match or complement the hues in your clothing. Achieve a “well put together” look by ensuring a harmonious blend between your nails and attire.

Click the picture below to shop our 20 piece 'Luxurious Girl' set.

Luxurious Girl - Premium Press-On Nails from ShadedbyShanell - Just $169! Shop now at ShadedbyShanell


Elevate your overall look with two strategies on coordinating nails with accessories:

  • Metallic Marvels: Choose metallic accents on your press-on nails that resonate with your jewelry. Silver, gold, or rose gold rhinestone and other nail accessories can create a unified and glamorous look.
  • Statement Handbags: Your hands are on your HANDbag more than you realize. It’s important to align your handbag choice with your nails. If your press-ons boast vibrant patterns or bold colors, opt for a handbag in a complementary or neutral shade. Don’t be afraid to pair shades together if even they aren’t the same exact shade, there’s a reason they’re called “shades”.

Click the picture below for outfit inspo & to shop our 24 piece 'Wealthy Auntie' set

The Wealthy Auntie | Reflective Glitter - Premium Press-On Nails from ShadedbyShanell - Just $219.99! Shop now at ShadedbyShanell

Want more styling tips? Download our FREE style guide. Click here or the picture below to get your free copy now!

(Cover & First Image Source: Steve Johnson)

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